Wednesday, October 29, 2008

November 22

"Inviting the Muse"
Sponsored by Loonfeather Press
Bemidji Public Library
Cost: $35
To register, call Region 2 Arts Council
218-751-5447 or 800-275-5447
Registration Deadline: Nov. 18

November 14

Night of the Living Poem
Friday, November 14
7:00 P.M.
Sponsored by: Northography, Whistling Shade and Pike Mag
Intermedia Arts
2822 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls.,

Featuring Linda Back McKay, Sharon Chmielarz, Bryan Thao Worra, Pat Barone, LouAnn Muhm, Seth Berg, Norita Dittberner-Jax, Mary Kay Rummel, Diana Lundell, Dylan Garcia-Wahl, Kevin Zepper, and Aaron O'Keefe. You'll find a flyer suitable for framing or place settings at this link.

Also, there will be a special intermission performance by singer/songwriter Scott Moses Murray. Learn about him and listen to samples of his straight-forward, engaging music at his website.

November 7

I will be reading at the Brainerd Writers' Alliance meeting. More details as they become available...

UPDATE: This event has been postponed to February due to a scheduling conflict, and may include a workshop--more details at a later date.